Marie Sester


Kyosaku will motivate people to master their many digital devices when induced stress arises, using these same technologies to promote sanity and awareness.

Marie Sester, Concept and Direction
Mustafa Bagdatli, Creative Technologist
Merche Blasco, Assitant Creative Technologist
Viktoriya Kuntsevich, Research Scientist
Aviv Bergman, Research Scientist

Thanks to
David Familiam, Associate Director/Curator, Beall Center for Art & Technology, UC Irvine, California
Carl Goodman, Executive Director, Museum of the Moving Image, New York

Special Thanks to
Sean Elwood, Director of Programs & Initiatives at Creative Capital Foundation
Frederic Clad, Founder, Galerie Frederic Clad, Paris, France

© 2001 – 2023 Marie Sester All Rights Reserved