Artifice and Sensation, 1999

Artifice and Sensation is a series of 4 projected video sequences periodically interrupted by black images while the sound continues.

The theme is that of artifice and sensation as the uniquely human expression of mind, focusing on different perspectives, related to the forms of the city, the notion of transparency and the Western ideology.

The video sequences are made from X-rayed luggage, X-rayed vehicles, vehicle plans, maps from the Las Vegas Strip, views from casino-hotels, from neon signs, etc. Each image transforms slowly but irrepressibly into the next one, shifting from architectural to x-ray scans, to signage or aerial views. The notion of scale is disrupted.

The total duration is 10’30”.




Marie Sester
Concept and Direction

Heimann Systems
X-ray image technology

Serge Equilbey
Luggage recording

– Produced by New Langton Arts, San Francisco; Le Métafort, Paris; AFAA, The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and Fond Etant Donnés, New York.

– Exhibited at New Langton Arts, San Francisco, 1999.